Defaulted loans in the country’s banking sector surged by Tk 6,802 crore in January-March this year due to a heavy increase in such loans in private commercial banks ...Details
LNG re-gasification dropped to almost half to around 400 million cubic feet per day (mmcfd) on Sunday, as the cargo remained stranded in the Bay over the past several ...Details
The National Board of Revenue (NBR) estimates that the tax-GDP ratio was 9.9% in the fiscal year 2019-20, but it would have been 17.81% had the government not provided ...Details
To recover from the pandemic blues, they have placed loan applications seeking around Tk800 crore against the disbursement target of Tk100 crore, putting the SME Foundation ...Details
The country’s yarn-producing spinning mills, which saw a drastic fall in business at the beginning of the global Covid-19 outbreak, is now reviving amid the second ...Details