Dhaka Sunday, December 22, 2024
Tidal surge may hit coastal belt

Tidal surge may hit coastal belt

As a deep depression has been formed over the Bay, tidal surges ranging from three to five feet height may inundate the low-lying areas of the costal districts, the Met ...Details

BTRC probe finds: VAS providers defraud cell phone users

BTRC probe finds: VAS providers defraud cell phone users

Value Added Service (VAS) providers are becoming the country’s scam as these providers are indulging in taking away huge amount of money from the cell phone users ...Details

Water Transport: Cargo vessel strike withdrawn

Water Transport: Cargo vessel strike withdrawn

The decision came at a meeting between the water transport workers’ federation and the cargo vessel owners at the Ministry of Labour and Employment on Thursday ...Details

Save Tobacco Country: We want a smoke-free Bangladesh

Save Tobacco Country: We want a smoke-free Bangladesh

Eliminate Tobacco Save the Country - We Want a Smoking Free Bangladesh The National Anti-Tobacco Organization, which is leading the way with this slogan in mind, organized ...Details

43 lakh hectares arable land left uncultivated

43 lakh hectares arable land left uncultivated

Some 43-lakhhectares of arable land remain uncultivated in the country despite the government’s priority program to make the best use of every inch of available ...Details