Dhaka Sunday, May 5, 2024
Akbar Ali Khan: From bureaucrat to economist

Akbar Ali Khan: From bureaucrat to economist

His career had started in bureaucracy but Dr Akbar Ali Khan later did not tie himself down to that line of work. He became a forthright analyst and an economist acceptable ...Details

A healthy economy needs risk, loss, and failure

A healthy economy needs risk, loss, and failure

The US and Europe stand on the brink of possible recession that will bring job loss and misery. Even if a downturn is narrowly avoided, high inflation and falling asset ...Details

Covid and Ukraine war haunting the global economy

Covid and Ukraine war haunting the global economy

Rayhan Ahmed Topader
One of the remarkable things about the global economic order since World War II has been ...Details

Compliance and governance in financial sector

Compliance and governance in financial sector

Yes, many of us read the book ``Why Banks Fail: The Political Roots Crises in Spain". The book's content depicted the process of political bargains in which parties ...Details

Opinion: Hiss or boom?

Opinion: Hiss or boom?


Steam goes off, lid in the handle slides down to be in airtight mode, and pressure starts to mount again within the sealed pot before the next hiss. At the ...Details